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Susan Harmon

Artist Biography


My name is Susan Harmon. I was born and lived much of my life in Chicago.

I hold a BFA in painting from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago and another BFA in graphic design from The University of Illinois. I received my MFA in painting from Georgia Southern University and I also spent one year working on a PHD in Studio Art at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. I am working on my PHD in Art and Aesthetics at Texas Tech University. Heather Dune Macadam, author of the book Rena’s Promise uses my art for lectures at State university of New York, Long Island and my work is published at the website,

Scroll down to ABSTRACT EXPRESSSIONISM, to access my work.


Recently I was awarded a commission to complete 5 murals for the city of San Marcos, they will be 20’ reproductions of my art for the down town area. I was invited to create a poster for ACT/ART Brooklyn, NYC and my art will go to the White House as a finalist,


I teach art at Howard Payne University, and Central Texas College. I have been married for 33 years and have 4 college age boys and one Siberian Husky. We are new to Texas, we moved here 3 years ago. I exhibit my work internationally and nationally.


I have an exhibition now,!exhibits/cjbe ,


scroll down to see my work called ABOVE THE SURFACE at The Abilene Center for Contemporary Art at


We are having our faculty show at Howard Payne University


I invite you all to visit my website at

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